ADA Compliance Software

Help online businesses from being sued with this software.

About This Service

So you can see the deal you're getting from me check the prices by clicking here=>>

Now get it on here on my page:)

You can see how it works by looking in the bottom right corner of this site you're on and clicking the disabled icon...

"Watch those videos above from news sites like CNN and FOX to see how you can save businesses Getting Sued!" 

Stop Businesses From Getting Sued!" 

Ignorance Is NOT An Excuse - Protect Businesses And Yourself Today!

Yes you read that right. Do you know that lawsuits rose by 64% in 2021 for owners of websites that are not ADA compliant? ADA stands for "Americans With Disabilities Act" . Yea I know right now you maybe thinking, so how does this apply to me because I'm not American? Let me let the cat out of the bag right now...

It's world wide. Yup even the UK is starting to adopt it. So how does this work you might ask..

If people with disabilities come across your or your clients website, especially Americans and they can't navigate, you can be sued. It does not matter where you live in the world.

Full stop! 

See they're some young hungry lawyers who sit all day and pull up websites that are not ADA compliant then they initiate lawsuits on the behalf of they clients who have disabilities.

So if you own or plan to own a website its imperative that you have accessibility for disabled people and that's what I want to help you with today.

It makes no sense paying thousands of dollars when this can all be avoided plus if you have access for the disabled, you stand to make more profit because they buy as well right?

I know you're smart so let's get you compliant and make everyone happy while avoiding lawsuits.

Watch the videos above to see what I'm talking about...  

Basic Version is $38 but today you get it for $27


The bonuses in the members are also yours if the vendor provided any which will happen in 99% of the cases:)

 1 Day Delivery    

What's Included

  • Sell or Use on your own sites
  • Find Non-Compliant Websites + Leads
  • Done For You Email Templates
  • Contact Leads Directly With Our App
  • Create Beautiful Website Audits & Reports
  • Create ADA Widgets In Seconds!
  • BONUS #1 Auto Webinar Profits
  • BONUS #2 Video Ads Formula
  • BONUS #3 Outreachr
  • BONUS #4 Vidspark
  • BONUS #5 InfluencersHub
  • BONUS #6 Octane

Basic Version $38 + Unlimited $57 = $95 but today you get both for $47


The bonuses in the members are also yours if the vendor provided any which will happen in 99% of the cases:)

 1 Day Delivery    

What's Included

  • Sell or Use on your own sites
  • Find Non-Compliant Websites + Leads
  • Done For You Email Templates
  • Contact Leads Directly With Our App
  • Create Beautiful Website Audits & Reports
  • Create ADA Widgets In Seconds!
  • Access to Ada Leadz 2.0 Unlimited
  • BONUS #1 Auto Webinar Profits
  • BONUS #2 Video Ads Formula
  • BONUS #3 Outreachr
  • BONUS #4 Vidspark
  • BONUS #5 InfluencersHub
  • BONUS #6 Octane

Basic Version $38 + Unlimited $57 + PRO = $152 but today you get them together for $97


The bonuses in the members are also yours if the vendor provided any which will happen in 99% of the cases:)

 1 Day Delivery    

What's Included

  • Sell or Use on your own sites
  • Find Non-Compliant Websites + Leads
  • Done For You Email Templates
  • Contact Leads Directly With Our App
  • Create Beautiful Website Audits & Reports
  • Create ADA Widgets In Seconds!
  • Access to Ada Leadz 2.0 Unlimited
  • Access to Ada Leadz 2.0 PRO
  • BONUS #1 Auto Webinar Profits
  • BONUS #2 Video Ads Formula
  • BONUS #3 Outreachr
  • BONUS #4 Vidspark
  • BONUS #5 InfluencersHub
  • BONUS #6 Octane

Compare Package

Package Basic Version
Basic + Unlimited Version
All Inclusive Version
Sell or Use on your own sites
Find Non-Compliant Websites + Leads
Done For You Email Templates
Contact Leads Directly With Our App
Create Beautiful Website Audits & Reports
Create ADA Widgets In Seconds!
Access to Ada Leadz 2.0 Unlimited
Access to Ada Leadz 2.0 PRO
BONUS #1 Auto Webinar Profits
BONUS #2 Video Ads Formula
BONUS #3 Outreachr
BONUS #4 Vidspark
BONUS #5 InfluencersHub
BONUS #6 Octane
Total $27
Angela Martinez

Just added this to my arsenal and I'm not sorry as this opens a whole new whole of possibilities. Thanks on the video links to show my clients proof.

Just added this to my arsenal and I'm not sorry as this opens a whole new whole of possibilities. Thanks on the video links to show my clients proof.
Ryan Moore

Just wanted to let you know I have 5 monthly recurring clients using my ADA widgets. On the hunt for more so wish me luck.

Just wanted to let you know I have 5 monthly recurring clients using my ADA widgets. On the hunt for more so wish me luck.
Paul Croy

I didn't even have to speak when I showed my client this software. It was a done deal straight out the gate.

I didn't even have to speak when I showed my client this software. It was a done deal straight out the gate.

Thanks for the videos which did all the convincing for me:)

Thanks for the videos which did all the convincing for me:)

My sister who run's a ecom site was so easy to convince with this one. Just like that she became my client.

My sister who run's a ecom site was so easy to convince with this one. Just like that she became my client.
Alexia T

Landed my 1st client without even breaking a sweat with ADA compliance.

Landed my 1st client without even breaking a sweat with ADA compliance.



How soon will I get access?


I have to create your account "manually" so I've set the delivery to one (1) day. However it's usually within 1-3 hours once its not in the wee hours of the morning when I'm asleep. I can be reached at email - - Thank You!


Who will provide support?


The product owner will provide exclusive support but I'm also here to assist you with any issues as well so there's no need to worry about anything:)


In case I need a refund who do I contact?


While that would be unfortunate because our prices are low. Our refund policy is in the header menu so please read it if you have any concerns.